Thursday, August 9, 2012

Orson Welles' Great Radio Hoax: Would the same panic occur if the War of the Worlds scandal occurred today?

In order to incite the same panic caused by Orson Welles' War of the World in today's society, it would take much more than just one media outlet reporting the event to make it believable. Our culture is so media savvy that the radio hoax would have been discovered within seconds of surfing the web or flipping channels. To convince people nowadays, a story has to be reported by more than one source and the events or aftermath filmed. In other words, with such far fetched story, everyone would want to see it with their own eyes. Furthermore, living in a post 9/11 world, people are much more sensitive to stunts that would cause a panic. If Orson Welles had managed to pull off the same stunt today, people would have been outraged and he probably would have some legal consequences. 

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