Friday, July 13, 2012

The History of Media: "Why Should We Study the Media of Early Civilizations?"

Although technology is rapidly changing our current society, it's important to look back at the media that helped us arrive at this point. From the earliest paleolithic symbols to a post on Facebook, media is the way that ideas and knowledge are shared between the masses. By examining the effect that media had in early civilizations, it can help us understand the historical significance that communication plays in shaping cultural norms, recording events, and forming the structure of society. In fact, the medium of reading and writing was responsible for revolutions in many ancient empires, particularly in Egypt thanks to the shift of writing on stone to papyrus (Crowley 14). When ancient media evolved to more accessible forms, it allowed people to become enlightened and knowledgeable, which also gave them more power. In today's society, the internet and wireless technology has also caused somewhat of a revolution. Now more than ever, information in readily available to large groups of people and as a result it is changing our civilization. Therefore, by studying media in ancient empires, we can gain insight on how advances in communication mediums impact society. It's odd to compare an Nook to papyrus, but both convey the ideas of their times and shape their culture.

Crowley, David, and Paul Heyer. Communication in History: Technology, Culture, Society. Boston: Ally & Bacon, 2011. Print.

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